
IPMininet needs at minimum:

IPMininet needs some daemon executables to be installed and accessible through the PATH environment variable:

You can either download them by hand or rely on one the following methods:

Virtual Machine

We maintain a vagrant box packaged with all the daemons. To use it, first install Vagrant and Virtualbox and then, execute the following commands:

$ vagrant init ipmininet/ubuntu-16.04
$ vagrant up

This will create the VM. To access the VM with SSH, just issue the following command in the same directory as the two previous one:

$ vagrant ssh

Manual installation from PyPI

You can download and install IPMininet. If you have pip above 18.1, execute:

$ sudo pip install ipmininet

If you have an older version of pip, use:

$ sudo pip install --process-dependency-links ipmininet

Then, you can install all the daemons:

$ sudo python -m ipmininet.install -af

You can choose to install only a subset of the daemons by changing the options on the installation script. For the option documentations, use the -h option.

Manual installation from sources

To manually install IPMininet from source, first get the source code:

$ git clone
$ cd ipmininet
$ git checkout <version>

Then, install IPMininet. If you have pip above 18.1, execute:

$ sudo pip install .

If you have an older version of pip, use:

$ sudo pip install --process-dependency-links .

Finally, you can install all the daemons:

$ sudo python -m ipmininet.install -af

You can choose to install only a subset of the daemons by changing the options on the installation script. For the option documentations, use the -h option.